Conjugaison du verbe shoot the breeze [v.]
-shoot the breeze
Ishoot the breeze
youshoot the breeze
heshoots the breeze
weshoot the breeze
youshoot the breeze
theyshoot the breeze
Ishot the breeze
youshot the breeze
heshot the breeze
weshot the breeze
youshot the breeze
theyshot the breeze
Iwillshoot the breeze
youwillshoot the breeze
hewillshoot the breeze
wewillshoot the breeze
youwillshoot the breeze
theywillshoot the breeze
Ihaveshot the breeze
youhaveshot the breeze
hehasshot the breeze
wehaveshot the breeze
youhaveshot the breeze
theyhaveshot the breeze
-shooting the breeze
-shot the breeze
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
shoot back shoot for shoot off shoot up shoot the breeze shoot craps shoot at shoot down shoot a line shoot marbles shoot dead